Christ In the Old Testament
Have you noticed how the “new age” preachers main talent seems to be in missing the point? I’ve heard these preachers referred to as the “skinny jean” group. A lot of times you can recognize them by their spiked hair and tattoos and their “sermons” will be accompanied by distractions like walking the stage back and forth with hypnotizing synthesizer music in the background. The older guys of the missing the point doctrines usually hold to traditional standing still and motivating with cliches and meaningless personal stories with a little humor. The NAR “New Apostolic Movement”. movement is full of these people. Yes, the modern “Apostles” come from this movement. Founded by C. Peter Wagner, the “Presiding Apostle”, self appointed of course. A few others you may have heard of is Rick Joyner, Chuck Pierce, Bob Jones(diseased) and Todd Bentley (kicked out because of sexual deviancy and immorality and adultery). One of my favorites is Todd White. His favorite miracle to perform is to lengthen legs. He literally “pulls your leg”. It’s an old magician’s trick and would be hilarious if it wasn’t being pulled on the weak who need Christ.
When I watch these people I’m amazed at what they can find in the Old Testament scriptures and yet can never seem to find the point or the context. For example Kenneth Copeland claims the original sin was neglecting the tithe. He claims Genesis 3 is about the tithe. He claims the first sin was over the tithe. He also claims the first murder was over the tithe. Of course a greedy prosperity preacher in the Word of Faith movement is going to find tithing in everything he or she can. They will claim the tithe belongs to God and since they are representatives of God they are to receive the tithe for Him. If you don’t tithe, you’re stealing just like Adam did. Kenneth Copeland: The Tithing Deception - YouTube
Genesis chapter 3 is So Not about tithing. I watch these clips while I study but I have to admit they will make your head hurt and your ears bleed. No not literally, figuratively. And the figurative language and the typology in Genesis 3 and Adam in particular is going to be my first article on this topic of Christ in the Old Testament.
Typology is defined as;
1: study of or analysis or classification based on types or categories
2: a doctrine of theological types
Typology is the term we use to know what the New Testament writers were referring to a type when they referenced an Old Testament passage or prophecy in an allegorical way. Types and shadows are prevalent throughout the Old Testament Bible and the New Testament Bible itself tells us this is so. Colossians 2:16-17. And one of the first types is Adam. Romans 5:14 The scriptures teach us that Adam was a type of Christ. Through one man Adam sin entered the world separating us from God. Through one man Jesus righteousness came into the world to reconcile us to God. When we compare and contrast we can see the similarities and the differences between Adam and Christ. Sin and death entered the world through Adam. Righteousness entered the world through Jesus. Romans 5:17. Adam being a type of Christ doesn’t mean the type is necessarily righteous. That’s why we contrast and compare. Adam is the anti-type to Christ as baptism is the anti-type to the flood. First Peter 3: 20 through 21. Adam sinned and brought sin and death into the world, the ani-type of Adam was Jesus who is sinless and brought life and righteousness into the world.
If Adam is a type could his wife Eve be a type also? If so, what is the true, or the anti-type? First of all where did Eve come from? Look at Genesis 2: 18 God said; “It was not good that man should be alone. I will make him a helper comparable to him.” In verse 21 Adam caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and God took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh. Then God made woman from the rib and God brought her to Adam and Adam said: This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
How is Eve’s creation different from Adam’s? Remember Adam was formed from the dust of the earth and God breathed in his nostrils and he became a living being, chapter 2 verse 7. How the two were created may or may not have a deeper meaning other than God created, but knowing the is a True to any Type I believe there is a shadow here that we might skip over and not think anything of it. First let’s look at verse 24 before we go to the New Testament for a possible Type.