Israel and Jerusalem Part 3
This will be the last article in this series of short musings of mine concerning the modern nation of Israel. In this one I want to challenge the modern evangelical notion of what it means to “Bless Israel”. As I have already pointed out in my first article on this, we hear half the verse from Genesis 12;3 when God was talking to Abraham he said, “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you”. And that first half of the verse is used so frequently, it has become mundane. The Bing dictionary defines the word “Mundane” this way.
1.) ADJECTIVE lacking interest or excitement; dull.
Indeed, when Christians decide it is proper and sound to rip a verse apart in two in order to support a doctrine, that technique is for the dull of hearing, and the lack on interest for the truth. God also promised another blessing to Abraham that Christians have seen the fulfillment of for 2000 years. As I did before, let’s put the other half of the verse back in Genesis 12;3.
“And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Why would Christians want that half neglected and pushed aside? Is it not exciting to know we are living the fulfillment of that promise to Abraham? After all, we know Paul tells us in Galatians 3;16 that Christ is the promised descendant to bless all nations of the entire world. If you say these promises to Abraham is not part of the gospel since the Church was not even here, look at verse 8 in Galatians 3. Paul says this; And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, “In you all the nations shall be blessed”.
The entire book of Galatians is very good at explaining where we stand in the new covenant and the blessings in Christ that are in the covenant. The Jews then were tempting the Galatians and teaching them another gospel which may very well be much like what some evangelicals such as John Hagee are teaching today. Verse 29 in chapter 3 Paul tells us that if we are Christ’s then we are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. So, who are Christ’s? Paul tells us in verse 27. All who are baptized into Christ have put on Christ. The he says there is no Jew or Greek, bond or free, male or female, but all are one in Christ. We are extremely blessed that Christ came and fulfilled that promise to Abraham. Knowing that through Christ the promise of our blessing were fulfilled, then why would anyone want to find another way to receive the promised blessing?