These Hyper Preterists, Full Preterists, Covenant Eschatology teachers are consumed and obsessed with talking about their 70ad doctrine. That’s why their books are given priority over the Bible. The will select verses, change definitions of certain words or phrases, write a book on the subject, challenge someone to a debate and promote their wares. And the debates and arguments are atrocious. A lot of preachers for example might be preparing for the debate and have the rules and boundaries and discussion limits set. So they prepare under the terms. Who does the affirmative and the negative for each night. The subject, no matter what the rules say, will eventually go to Matthew 24 and Daniel chapter 12. Don K Preston is an expert of changing debate rules and will always go to Matthew 24 and talk about how the history of the Church has mis interpreted it. And if the topic of the Lord’s Supper is scheduled he’ll throw Old Testament, New Testament, scholarly quotes, and dirty and muddy the waters so much to and add his “scholarly quotes” from his latest book to distract people so they will forget what his position is on the question of should the Church still observe the Lord’s Supper.
This Hyper Preterism, Full Preterism, Covenant Eschatology, or even Transmillennialism it’s called, is nothing but another doctrine blown in by the wind. And like many others people have jumped on this relatively new doctrine and are making money. Max King, Don K Preston, and many more in this movement were Church of Crist preachers for decades. Preston even took part in a Church of Christ in Ardmore Oklahoma to change it’s name to Family of God. I asked him why they took down the name Christ and his answer was Family of God is a scriptural name. That didn’t answer my question, but I know why and I told him why. Something far worse than a name on a building was going on and they already had bigger problems than dropping “church of Christ at Ardmore Oklahoma” off a sign. Max Lucado made that practice famous in Texas and look now where he’s at. His latest fiasco was to apologize for his past scriptural teachings on living as a homosexual. But look how many books he has sold since he left the faith! He’s a best selling author and tickles millions of ears and pleases everyone who will listen. At least Don Preston and Max King know who they can sell to and who is not a gullible putz.
If we’re in sin a new doctrine won’t get us out. Buying books from these Hyper Preterists that tell us the judgment is past and there is no more sin won’t save us from the Judgment to Come as Jesus and the Apostles preached. These traveling salesmen can make a lot of money, but we can lose our soul for allowing them to deceive us.