Rich Man And Lazarus - United Preterist Church (
Where did this story come from?
In First Temple Judaism, Sheol in the Hebrew Old Testament, or Hades in the Septuagint, is primarily a place of "silence" to which all men go. However during, or before, the exile in Babylon ideas of activity of the dead in Sheol began to enter Judaism.
During the Second Temple period (roughly 500 BCE–70 CE) the concept of a Bosom of Abraham first occurs in Jewish papyri that refer to the "Bosom of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob".This reflects the belief of Jewish martyrs who died expecting that: "after our death in this fashion Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will receive us and all our forefathers will praise us" (4 Maccabees 13:17).Other early Jewish works adapt the Greek mythical picture of Hades to identify the righteous dead as being separated from unrighteous in the fires by a river or chasm. In the pseudepigraphical Apocalypse of Zephaniah the river has a ferryman equivalent to Charon in Greek myth, but replaced by an angel. On the other side in the Bosom of Abraham : "You have escaped from the Abyss and Hades, now you will cross over the crossing place... to all the righteous ones, namely Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Enoch, Elijah and David."In this story he was not idle in the Bosom of Abraham, he acted as intercessor for those in the fiery part of Hades.
See folks, that’s how you can make where we are right now Heaven. Just use your imagination and unbelief of the plain written word of God and add Greek mythology and maybe even Gulliver’s Travels and you too can claim Jesus, the son of God, plagiarized mythical tales and made them His own.
The story of the rich man and Lazarus is very simple and easy to understand. It may be a parable and probably is, but Jesus didn’t call it that. Parable or not the message is clear. How we treat people comes from the heart. And when Jesus said “On these two laws hang all the law and the prophets, Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and the second is love your neighbor as yourself” The rich man denied and disobeyed both those commandments. Jesus taught these two commandments and the Apostle John reminded us of the command to love one another. So did Paul.
We see the mistreatment of people still to this day. We see some so called preachers getting rich while pleading for the last dollar from someone living on Social Security. But the Hyper Preterists teach those sins were cast into the lake of fire in 70ad or at least are outside the gates of Heaven we’re living in right now. And they twist the story of the rich man and Lazarus into such a pretzel it’s not even recognizable and they will talk to you like your illiterate for challenging them and their “scholarship”.
But again I hope to point out over and over, the Bible is written in a way we can understand it and God gave us the Church purchased by His own son to help us understand His will for us. We do not use Homer’s Odyssey or Greek mythology to make a claim Jesus borrowed from it to tell a parable.
If I ever get an answer to what death was thrown into the lake of fire from a Hyper Preterists I’ll let you all know. But as it stands you can see why their doctrine is causing many to fall completely into Universalism and even ultimately Atheism.